1. Weight Class


Total: 50

2. First Name


Total: 50

3. Last Name


Total: 50

4. School

 Dell Rapids
 10 (20%) 
 Kingsbury County
 SF O'Gorman
 12 (24%) 
 West Central
 14 (28%) 

Total: 50

5. Year in School

 15 (30%) 
 15 (30%) 

Total: 50

6. Wins

 10 (20%) 

Total: 50

7. Losses


Total: 50

8. Placing in State, Region, or Previously in this tournament

 6th at State
 State Qualifier,
 3rd 152 State A, 2 losses this year to Dolan from Canton and one loss to Schuman from TriValley
 7th State A
 2nd at Roosevelt Tourn.
 7th in State A
 2nd?? 112 or 119
 3rd at 103 in Madison last year
 4th at 171 Madison Tournament
 4th at 189 Madison Tournament-State Qualifier
 5th in state, place winner here last year
 5th in state, champion here last year
 3rd 135 Mad Inv.

Total: 13