Al Bierschbach
613 NW 9th Street
Madison, SD 57042
M.S. Computer Education and Technology, Dakota State
University - Madison, SD
B.S. Majors: Mathematics and History, South Dakota State University - Brookings, SD
Teaching Experience
Madison High School - 1996- present
Courses Taught - Algegra I, Algebra II, Applied Math, College
Algebra, Computer Applications, Geometry, Intermediate Algebra.
Technology Integrationist at Madison High School - 2007-2008
Video Editing using Pinnacle Software
Flandreau Indian School - March & April 2007
South Dakota DOE - Classroom Connections TabletPC
Site Trainer - Summer 2006, Summer 2007, and Summer 2008
SD CTE Conference - August 2006
Trainer - WebCT6
Dakota State University - Advanced TTL
Lead Instructor - Video Editing - 2002, 2003
Student Assistant - 2001
University of Sioux Falls - Summer 2004 Workshop
Teacher Productivity with Palms
Publications - Periodicals
Bierschbach, A. (2001). Applied mathematics students excel using Excel. Mathematics Teacher, 94(6), 440.
Bierschbach, A. (2004). Mobile Technology in the Math Classroom and in Athletics. Presentation at the Technology and Innovations in Education Conference. Sioux Falls, SD. April 19.
Bierschbach, A. (2006). Using MathXL to Prepare High School Students for College. Presentation at the Technology and Innovations in Education Conference. Sioux Falls, SD. April 24.