My Personal Philosophy
Teaching and learning in the information age deals with more than just technology. It deals with how the students think and interact with the various tools around them. I believe that all students have the right to learn, and that we as teachers need to take measures to make sure that all students are given their opportunity to learn. We need to use technology to encourage and enlighten our students. Technology can be a stimulant for certain students. It should be used to stimulate, but not overused for those who struggle with technology. It can also be used to broaden the skills of students, allowing the students to explore much more rapidly than before the technology was brought into the classroom. Using technology, students can apply what is being taught to higher levels of thinking and reasoning. Students need to be taught how to think at higher levels, which will enable them to become better lifelong learners.
Original Philosophy
For myself, teaching in the information age has not been a large change with teaching 10 years ago. I teach Algebra, which is an abstract subject. In my philosophy in teaching in the information age, I want my students to know basic facts before we use technology. Then I have students use technology to explore principals which are beyond the basic skills. I think technology lends itself to allowing the child to explore much more rapidly than before the technology was brought into the classroom. Before the student can explore, the student should have a general knowledge of the topic and a general idea of where they are going. I believe instead of showing the students every fact step by step, I should show the students the basics and then facilitate their exploration of the subject matter.