Rubric and Grading for Story Problem Assessment

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Nothing done in problem Misses key points. Response shows some understanding of the problem. Good solid response with clear explanation. A complete response with a detailed explanation.
  No diagram or sketch. Inappropriate or unclear diagram. Clear diagram or sketch. Includes clear diagrams or sketches.
  Major math errors or serious flaws in reasoning. May be some serious math errors or flaws in reasoning. No major math errors or serious flaws in reasoning. No significant math errors.
      Shows substantial understanding of the problem, mathematical ideas, and processes. Shows complete understanding of the problems, mathematical ideas, and processes.
      Does not go beyond the requirements of the problem. Goes beyond the requirements of the problem.



"A" - 32-36 points - Shows a substantial to complete understanding of the problems, mathematical ideas, and processes.  Diagrams are clear, and problems show no serious flaws in reasoning.

"B" - 25-31 points - Shows good understanding of the problems, ideas and processes.  Reasonable diagrams are drawn, with a few math errors or a few flaws in reasoning.

"C" - 18-24 points - Shows some understanding of the problems, ideas and processes.  Diagrams are drawn, but may not be clear.  May have some math errors or flaws in reasoning. 

"D" - 13-19 points - Shows some to little understanding of the problems, ideas and processes.  If drawn, diagrams are inappropriate or vague.   The are math errors or flaws in reasoning.

"F" - 0-12 points - Shows little to no understanding of the problems, ideas and processes. If drawn, diagrams are inappropriate or totally unclear.   There are serious math errors and flaw in reasoning.