Rubric and Grading for Story Problem Assessment
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Nothing done in problem | Misses key points. | Response shows some understanding of the problem. | Good solid response with clear explanation. | A complete response with a detailed explanation. |
No diagram or sketch. | Inappropriate or unclear diagram. | Clear diagram or sketch. | Includes clear diagrams or sketches. | |
Major math errors or serious flaws in reasoning. | May be some serious math errors or flaws in reasoning. | No major math errors or serious flaws in reasoning. | No significant math errors. | |
Shows substantial understanding of the problem, mathematical ideas, and processes. | Shows complete understanding of the problems, mathematical ideas, and processes. | |||
Does not go beyond the requirements of the problem. | Goes beyond the requirements of the problem. |
"A" - 32-36 points - Shows a substantial to complete understanding of the problems, mathematical ideas, and processes. Diagrams are clear, and problems show no serious flaws in reasoning.
"B" - 25-31 points - Shows good understanding of the problems, ideas and processes. Reasonable diagrams are drawn, with a few math errors or a few flaws in reasoning.
"C" - 18-24 points - Shows some understanding of the problems, ideas and processes. Diagrams are drawn, but may not be clear. May have some math errors or flaws in reasoning.
"D" - 13-19 points - Shows some to little understanding of the problems, ideas and processes. If drawn, diagrams are inappropriate or vague. The are math errors or flaws in reasoning.
"F" - 0-12 points - Shows little to no understanding of the problems, ideas and processes. If drawn, diagrams are inappropriate or totally unclear. There are serious math errors and flaw in reasoning.